PACE: Performance-Driven Adaptive Edge/Cloud Environments
IMPORTANT: PACE was merged into the CIFS Workshop
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of edge/cloud continuum focusing on performance modeling and engineering. The workshop will explore novel performance-related topics in the area cloud continuum. The workshop seeks not only original research contributions, but also experience reports, papers describing exemplars and datasets, and papers focusing on education in this field.
This workshop is intended for both academia and industry practitioners interested in performance-related topics connected to cloud and edge computing. This includes infrastructure developers involved in resource management to application developers who would like to use performance-related models, architectures, tools and methods as a means to adapt their application scheduling and placement on cloud and edge infrastructure
The workshops seeks contribution of the following types:
The PACE workshop invites original unpublished work. Submissions should use the standard ACM double column format for conference proceedings and should not exceed 6 pages (up to 2 extra pages can be purchased). Submissions should be anonymized for double blind review and submitted through EasyChair at
Submissions are evaluated by the program committee members in a double blind review process and judged using the usual criteria of originality, correctness, relevance and presentation quality. Accepted submissions will be published by ACM and made available in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of an accepted submission must register with a full fee for the conference and present the paper.
Please mail the organizers at with any requests.